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До іть До іть будь ласка)

1. …learning English? (you/like)

2. …this programme. (I/ not understand)

3. My dad …(listen) to classical music when I …(arrive) home from school.

4. Jim and his father … (not watch) TV. They’re asleep.

5. Tony is upstairs in the bathroom. He … (wash) his hair.

6. My cousin … (meet) his wife, Bianca, while he … (live) in Italy.

7. Why … (run)? Are we late?

8. There are some strange noises in the sitting room. What … (Tom/do).

9. What time… (John/get up) every day?

10. When we … (leave) school yesterday, it … (pour) with rain.

11.I … (leave) home at 7:00 o'clock
every morning.

12. Fred and I are good dancers but we … (not/go) to discos very often.

13. When … the lesson … (start)?” It …(begin) five minutes ago."

14. What … (do) Pam?. Pam? Oh, she's a doctor.

15. I … (always / stay) in the same hotel in New York.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Do you like ..?
2. I don’t understand..
3. Was listening, arrived
4. Aren’t watching
5. Is washing
6. Met, was living
7. Are we running?
8. Is Tom doing?
9. Does John get up..?
10. Left, poured
11. Leave
12. Don’t go
13. Does the lesson start? It began ..
14. What does Pam do?
15. I always stay ..

1)  can i borrow your pencil for a minute ?

2) it is raining outside. i will  lend  you my umbrella

3) this blue top does not match your trousers

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