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Complete with: incredible, locals, won, discovered, settled, lifetime, voyage, accurate, empire, tegend. 1 Alexander the Great created a huge empire and a place in history. 2 Genghis Khan's Mongolian stretched from Hungary to Korea. 3 Mozart was a(n) musician and composed his first concerto at the age of five. 4 Da Vinci's maps are extremely and show every detail. 5 According to , the city of Atlantis sank into the sea after a huge earthquake. 6 The Pilgrims in an area near the sea and built a town called Plymouth. 7 The early Pilgrims made a long on the Mayflower to reach America. 8 The giant terrified the , stealing their sheep and eating people. 9 Henry Carter the lost tomb of Tutankhamun. 10 Julius Caesar achieved many things in his... Вставьте слова в предложения

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