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A At noon Justin and his grandpa came up to a small shed1. B “We'll have our lunch here,” Grandpa said. He took black iron pots, some plates, knives, spoons and a table from the shed. They were going to cook outside. C First, they collected wood, sticks and dry grass. Soon they had a hot fire. Grandpa carefully washed his hands. After that he began to cook their lunch. D Justin watched how his Grandpa cooked. First he put raising3 into a pot with a little water and placed them over the fire. Then he put flour in a pan. After that he made a hole right in the middle of the flour. In that hole Grandpa put some shortening4. Then he added water. He mixed the flour, water and shortening. E Soon Grandpa started to cook the biscuits. In a few minutes the smell was so delicious that Justin could hardly wait. Перевод на украинский

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Ilike models that look unusual. plus-size, unisex, bright and recognisable characteristics make models stand out. i like when models embrace their imperfections and choose to use them as their widely recognised  trademarks rather than hide them.  their uniqueness, confidence and hard work makes them more successful.  many iconic models have their twist, for example cara delevinge's unique characteristic is her thick eyebrows, while cindy crowford's is her mole above the upper lip. many successful models were told to remove their imperfections but instead they decided to fight the system and use them to their advantage.  however, some models take it too far. there are some dangerously overweight or skinny models that can set a bad example for young teenagers. while being unique and promoting 'body positivity'  is a great thing, some iconic models should understand  that many people look up to them  so being too overweight or too underweight is unhealthy and can make many easily-motivated teenagers fallow the lifestyle 

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