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№1. Put the verbs into Past Simple or Present Perfect. 1. He (live) here when he was a child.
2. She (live) here since she was a child.
3. I (be) in Canada many years ago.
4. We (be) to America many times.
5. Yesterday Cindy (go) to a museum.
6. Martin is not here, he (go) shopping.
7. They (work) together for 3 years.
8. I (work) a lot last week.
9. He (direct) this film about 10 years ago.
10. I (see) this film twice.

№2. Find and correct mistakes.
1. What have you done yesterday?
2. I have taken music classes when I was a child.
3. Have you taken your driving test yet?
4. We went to bed late last night.
5. How long have you studied English?
6. I left school when I was 16.
7. It’s morning, I has just woken up.
8. When did you last speak German?
9. Have you ever watch a horror movie?

№3. Choose the right answer.
1. I just ... my report when you phoned me.
a) have made; b) has made; c) will have made; d) had made; e) made
2. He ... already. Please, come in two hours.
a) has gone; b) had gone; c) will have gone; d) have gone; e) go
3. Before you get up, we ... the house.
a) will clean; b) had cleaned; c) have cleaned; d) has cleaned; e) will have cleaned
4. By 6 yesterday Daria ... supper.
a) have cooked; b) cooked; c) has cooked; d) had cooked; e) will have cooked
5. I think we ... before.
a) will have met; b) has met; c) had met; d) have met; e) met
6. ... you ever to London?
a) will have been; b) have been; c) had been; d) has been; e) been
7. Daniel ... from the University this year.
a) has graduated; b) had graduated; c) have graduated; d) will have graduated; e) graduated
8. When Ed came, they ... dinner already.
a) have had; b) has had; c) will have had; d) had had; e) had
9. They ... football before he returns.
a) will have played; b) have played; c) has played; d) had played; e) play
10. She remembered that she ... Sarah at the conference.
a) has seen; b) have seen; c) will have seen; d) had seen; e) seen
11. On my way to University I found out that I ... my papers at home.
a) had left; b) have left; c) has left; d) will have left; e) left
12. Oh, David! I ... you for ages!
a) had not seen; b) has not seen; c) won't see; d) won't have seen; e) have not seen

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Ответы на вопрос:

Unless she comes, i'll be upset. если она не придет, я буду расстроен. unless we learn, we won't know anything. если ми не будем учится, ми не будем знать ничего.

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