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Write each verb in the present perfect simple. Use short forms where possible.
Just two more days until my party! I can't wait!
(send) invitations to all my friends,
and I (2) - (already/have) replies from
almost everyone. Daisy (3) - (not/send)
a reply yet, but she's on holiday. I'm sure she'll come. There's so
much to do! I (4) - (buy) food and drinks,
and I (5)
- (ask) other people to bring
music and games. I'm sure there's something
1 (6) —
117) - (not/put up) decorations
yet, but I'll do that on the day of the party. I hope people
(8) - (not/buy) me expensive presents
- I told them to just get something cheap. I'm so excited! It's
going to be the best party ever!

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

I've sent

I've already had

Haven't sent

I've bought

I've asked

I've forgotten

I haven't put up

Haven't bought


Present perfect: местоимение + have (not в отрицательном) + глагол в 3 форме\с окончанием -ed

Do you sleep well every day? yes, i am. i sleep well every day. is your sister washing the plates at the moment ? yes, she is. she is washing the plates at the moment. my sister is playing chess now. yes, she is

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