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1. Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the Russian words. Бродить, маршрут, шумное (полное жизни), сообщество, пасти, изменение(переход), запрещать, удобства, жилище, место сбора процветать

1. Noises, shrieks, laughter of this … … died down only by midnight.
2. Is your house close to all local …, such as supermarkets, gyms, cinemas?
3. In Finland you can often see road signs 'Be aware of deer' as they … freely in the countryside.
4. Only few businesses were … in that economic situation.
5. Local people … their sheep and cows on this area in the past. да):
6. Motorists are advised to find an alternative … in order to avoid getting into a huge traffic jam on M8.
7. At a distance you can see … of monks carved into a stone high in the mountains.
8. The use of all gadgets during the Russian State Exam is … by the authorities.
9. The 90th were a period of … from the old Soviet system to modern Russia.
10. Market Square is a traditional … … for the village inhabitants.

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  learning foreign languages learning foreign languages is important nowadays. english is becoming a global language. a half of billion people in the world use english at home or work. english is also the international language of businesspeople, pilots and air traffic controllers, sportsmen, scientists and students. some people learn english because they need it in their work; others to travel aboard and for lots of people learning english is just a hobby.   i have been learning english since the age of 11. i like learning english very much. i hope my progress in english will be very good.изучение иностранных языков важно в наше время. язык становится языком. половина миллиарда человек в мире используют дома или на работе. язык является также международным языком бизнесменов, пилотов и диспетчеров воздушного движения, спортсменов, ученых и студентов. некоторые люди учатся на , потому что им это нужно в их работе; другие чтобы путешествовать за границу и для многих людей, изучающих язык является просто хобби. я изучение языка с 11 лет я люблю изучать язык . я надеюсь, что мой прогресс в языке, будет хорошим

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