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3 Which two of these problems do you think are the most serious? What do we need to do? Why? The class votes for the three most serious ones. To me, war and famine are the most serious problems because people die. We need to stop wars so that people will have better lives.

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1)well, a person learns languages for his pleasure, parses other alphabets, other styles of sounds, all sorts of hieroglyphs, language constructions, becomes a copenhagen in his field, enjoys life. well, and not bad. there is no harm from this to anyone. and maybe even a benefit.

2)what future do you imagine in 10 years? and after 100? of course, it is unlikely that anyone will imagine a future where there will be no place for the english language. we can safely say that the influence of the english language on the world's population will only increase with each passing year. therefore, english can rightfully be called the language of the future. english will become an international language behind the scenes due to the fact that it is the language of conferences, meetings, technical documentation, scientific progress, etc. even other languages are regularly updated with borrowings from english, including the russian language.

3)rapidly moving forward, and english has long ceased to be just a subject from the school curriculum. english speech can be heard everywhere, everyone learns english, english is trendy, it’s fashionable to know english.

in the moscow metro you will not be surprised at many already with a knowledge of the language - here and there, someone reads the original literature, someone clicks grammar exercises on a smartphone. i was often asked: “do you know english? cool. i would also like to. "

as a specialist in the field of teaching foreign languages, i am very interested in the level of formation of motivation of young people in learning a language.

4)не смог (

5)не смог (

6)one of the most popular foreign languages, which is also very common in africa, asia and the middle east - here many still speak it better than english. french is accepted, along with english, as an official in the eu, un, as well as many international corporations. this is one of the romance languages, which means that it is related to spanish, italian and portuguese. thus, knowledge of french will help to navigate not only in france, but also in countries where they speak similar languages.

there are many possibilities for learning french, the most obvious one is enrolling in one of the many language schools, since they teach it almost everywhere.

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