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Вставьте слова вместо прочерков acting, representing, arranging (2), exported, forwarding (2), importing, quay, Lading, functions, signed, shipping, proving

an agent is a company (or a person) --- on behalf of or --- another company. there is a lot of documentation (paperwork) involved in --- the transportation of --- goods. an import or a --- agent. he is responsible for --- the dispatch of the goods from their point of arrival in the country ( the --- or the airport) to the buyer and for arranging the documentation.

the bill of --- has three main ---

1) a receipt for the goods --- by the shipping company

2) a contract between the --- company and the --- agent

3) the title document --- the ownership of the goods

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ит  хэз  гот  э  фейс,  ит  хэз  гот  ту  хэндз,  ит  гоуз  энд  йет  стэндз.

Популярно: Английский язык