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Option 2, TEST 2. Khonovorov TASK 1. Choose the right words. 1. Ireland is an island, Great Britain is an island... ... (also/also/either). 2. They were not going to visit Scotland and Wales...(...(either/also/also). 3. Leeds is a city, Liverpool is a city... ... (also/either/too). 4. Brighton is in the south, Portland is ... ...south. (also/also/also). 5. London has some beautiful parks and... some beautiful gardens (also/too/either). 6. Jack and Linda did not see the Parliament Building (and also /also/also). TASK 2. Use -s where necessary. 1. Holyrood Palace has been a royal residence for four hundred... years. 2. The UK is visited by thousands... tourists. 3. Hundreds... children join art or music... fish studios. 4. Three thousand... people came to Trafalgar Square. 5. Million... o live in the ocean. 6. The length of the Volga is three thousand... five hundred... thirty kilometers.

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