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6 Match the exchanges. 1 Can you show me how to instal this program? 2.Would you agree that this proves the theory? 3 OK. Got it. Then what?
4.If you ask me, it's not very ethical.
5 I think we should work together.
A Next, you tap on Settings.
B Well, that's not the way I see it.
C Frankly, I think that it needs further research. D Great idea! My thoughts exactly.
E Sure. It's easy.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Вернуть: we must take this crown and bring it back to the emperor. мы должны взять эту корону и вернуть ее императору. сдать: я    вступительные экзамены в колледже летом. i  will  pass  the college entrance exams in the summer. раздать: i will  give out  these flyers to my friends. я   эти листовки своим друзьям. передать: i will hand over to my colleague about your request. я моему коллеге о вашей просьбе.

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