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The Hotel Story

Three men once came to New York on business. They 1) whole night and 2) _ _ (feel) very tired. They 3) _

4) _ (have) a rest, so they 5) _

6) _ _ (locate) on the thirty-ninth floor. In the evening they 7) out somewhere and 8) _ … (come) back very late. "I 9) ( sorry," 10) _ (say) the clerk of the hotel, "but our lifts 11) _ work) tonight. Either you 12) wo 12) _ (have) 13) _ room or 14) … _ (sleep) in the hall. If you 15) … 16) … _ (sleep) here beds 17) _ agreed 18) … _ (walk) up to their room and they 19) their way up. They still 20) … (ob 21) … _ (have) an idea: "22) … 1 23) _ (tell) you some jokes." By the time Frank 24) _ jokes the three friends 25) the jokes we 26) _ _ (hear) on our way here 27) _ 28) _ 29) _ the reception."

вno bensauen

_ (travel) the _ (look) forward to _ (stop) at a hotel. Their room

_ (go) (be) very (not, _ (walk) up to your _ (agree) _ (make) for you." The three men (start) on (climb) the staircase when one of them, Frank, (Make) our way easier (tell) all his … (reach) the thirty-seventh floor. "Well, after all (want) someone … (think) of a story with a sad end," said one of the friends. "OK. There _ (be) such a story. We 30) … … (leave) the key to our room at

wash the dishes after meals, She doeen t lke it



b) have to

d) should

Mr. Pickwick's Adventure Mr. Pickwick found that his free companions 1) …

2) _ _ (wait) for him 3) _ … (begin) breakfast. They 4) down to the meal - and ham, eggs, tea and coffee 5)

6) _ _ (disappear) very fast indeed. "How we 7) Manor Farm?" 8) _(think) Mr. Pickwick . "We had better 9) the waiter," 10) _ (say) Mr. Tupman. So the waiter 11) _ and he 12) _ _ (advise) them 13) _

4)_ wheel carriage. But the trouble 14) _ _ (be) that it 15) more than three people. "What 16) … _ (be) 17) _ 18) … _ (be, not) enough room for all of us?" 19) 19) … Mr. Snodgrass. "Perhaps one of the gentlemen would like 20) _ 21) … _ (suggest) the waiter 22) _ 23) _ _ (Tell) the truth, Mr. Winkle 24) (ride) a horse but he wouldn't show it. "26) … carriage 27) _ carriage 28) 30) _ (put) on four wheels which 30)

_ (rise) and eagerly … (sit) _ (begin) _ (get) to the (ask) _ (send) for _ (drive) to the farm in a four… (not, hold) _(do) if there

_ (ask) _ (ride),"

_ (look) at Mr. Winkle.

_ (be) afraid of 25) _

… (Let) the horse and the (be) at the door by eleven," said Mr. Pickwick. At eleven the (appear) at the door. It was a funny little box 29) … (draw) by a large brown horse.

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Ответы на вопрос:

He was at school yesterday. they were in london last year. she was busy 5 minutes ago. i wasn't in the park yesterday. they weren't at the stadium last week. he wasn't at the cinema last month.

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