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1 Choose the correct word or phrase. 1 I love going to / at / on outdoor cinemas at/ in / on the summer. 2 Were seeing a film to / at / on an outdoor cinema on / in / at Saturday. 3 Were meeting in/on/at nine o'clock front of /in front/in front of the cinema. The cinema's next to/at/ in the river and near / next a nice café. 5 l last went at /to/in the cinema in / on / at 24th March. 6 We sometimes watch films in / at / on TV at / in / on home, but I prefer the cinema!

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Ответы на вопрос:

The actors were not payed on time. These plates were broken in the restaurant.Russian is not spoken in this shop.Amy was not told about the problem.Special visitors are given a blue ticket. / A blue ticket is given to special visitors.

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