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VI. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст. Пояснения к тексту:
1. pacific – тихоокеанский
2. the motion-picture industry – кинематографическая промышленность, кинематография
3. dim-out – затмение
4. single-family housing units – жилые блоки на одну семью
5. derrick – буровая вышка
6. freeway – автострада, автомагистраль
7. outlying – отдалённый, удалённый
Los Angeles was founded by the Spanish in 1781 and for a long time developed very slowly. In 1847 when the American forces captured Los Angeles
its population was only 1,500. It remained a small community until the 1890s
when the discovery of huge reserves of oil in the area greatly stimulated its
growth. The opening of the Panama Canal in 1914 turned Los Angeles into
a major pacific1 sea-port and brought further expansion.
The 1920s saw an extremely growth of the motion-picture industry, mainly due to an exceptionally favourable climate with a lot of sunny days and very
little rainfall. It is also the climatic conditions and exceedingly fertile soil that
made Los Angeles the “garden spot” of the United States that produces most of
its citrus fruit.
During World War II Los Angeles became an important center of the aviation industry and started developing on a gigantic scale. Thousands of newlybuilt plants discharged smoke, microscopic dust, gases and chemicals. And this
smog caused a daylight dim-out one day-September 8, 1943.
Los Angeles of our days is the nation’s third most populous city with over
3 million inhabitants in the city itself and about 8 million in the whole metropolitan area. It has one of the largest urban territories in the world. Almost all of
this vast area is covered by single-family housing units, oil derricks and industrial complexes. Los Angeles is the most “one-storied’ city of the large American cities. Even in the central part there are comparatively few multistoried
apartment houses and high-rise buildings. Characteristically, Los Angeles has
the heaviest per capita concentration of automobiles in the world and is famous
for its vast system of freeways radiating from the center to outlying areas.
Thousands of tourists are especially attracted by Disneyland, the children’s
fairy-tale park, opened in 1955 and the Hollywood Bowl, a gigantic open-air cinema theatre which every summer houses national musical festivals and where the
highest film awards – the Oscars – are presented to film stars and producers.
VII. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
1. What industry was developed in the 1920-s?
2. What made Los Angeles the “garden spot” of the United States?
3. What happened on September 8, 1943?
4. What was the reason of the daylight dim-out?
5. What is Los Angeles famous for?

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Ответы на вопрос:

(вроде как то так переводчик.) дом dunes "было шестнадцать милях от берлингтон, узкая дорога была единственной доступ к собственности. мы сели на автобус, чтобы добраться там. автобус свернул с главной дороги, прежде чем мы достигли дорогу

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