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3 Complete the text with ONE word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). The Grand Bazaar is (0) in Istanbul, in Turkey. It’s in the European part of the city, (1) the left of the Bosphorus, and next (2) the Nuruosmaniye Mosque. There are many covered markets around the world but Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar is probably the most famous (3) . (4) are four thousand shops in the Grand Bazaar (5) 26,000 people work there. There (6) a lot of different things in the market – lamps, rugs, clothes and shoes. Shoes are a traditional product, and there are many different colours. (7) tradition comes from the time when different religions had different colours of shoe: red, yellow, black and blue. The market sellers put their products in (8) of their shops, so the colours and smells are fantastic. The only problem at the moment is there (9) a toilet in the bazaar. But they hope to build (10) soon.

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Is - was are - were have - had do - did see - saw drink - drank eat - ate read - read write - wrote go - went meet - met take - took run - ran give - gave

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