18.01.2022 02:18
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Сочинение на английском языке моя комната мечты (девочки

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Ответы на вопрос:

My dream room. Wow, let's start with the interior I would like my room to have delicate pastel ocher wallpapers, on which I would hang posters of my favorite bands. My room must have a balcony with a table and two chairs. It will be decorated with different flowers and in the morning I will have a cup of coffee there. There will be a large round bed in my room, there will be a work table on the side, a dressing table next to it, a small table. Opposite the tables will be a wardrobe, vast and full of different and interesting outfits. There will be many plants in my room, and I will stretch a bright yellow garland across the ceiling. This is the room of my dreams


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Hcl+agno3=agcl↓+hno3 xcl+agno3=agcl↓+xno3   где x-катион h2so4+bacl2=baso4↓+2hcl xso4+bacl2=baso4↓+xclh2s+cuso4=cus↓+h2so4 xs+cuso4=cus↓+xso4h2co3+cacl2=caco3↓+2hcl xco3+cacl2=caco3↓+xcl

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