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Составить 9 предложение в Past Continuous (утвердительные, отрицательные, вопросы)

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Ответы на вопрос:

The children were playing football all day long in the yard.

I was watching TV while he was doing his homework.

Sally was reading a book when the doorbell rang

It wasn’t raining when tha basketball match started.

The students weren’t doing their tests when the teacher suddenly came in.

We weren’t watching TV while they were talking about the lastest news.

Were you swimming all morning?

Was he sleeping when someone called?

Was she listening to music the whole day?

Ну во -первых, a short palm tree with bananas . вторе предл я бы вообще по-другому построила бы- a monkey was sitting on the palm tree and was chatting with a crocodile. дальше вообще не понятно,но ,наверное ,лучше так- 3 предл i went up to the tree and said hello to the monkey. then i asked what was the monkeys name. the crocodile answered that his name was genna and the monkey's name was lily. i said that my name is jill and that i was very glade to meet them. в последнем предложении вообще не понятно,что вы пытались сказать.

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