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Укажите, в каких предложениях есть ошибки в употреблении времен, а в каких нет. Рядом с правильными предложениями поставьте плюс, рядом с неправильными — минус.
1)Why is there no “For Sale” sign in front of the house? — I think they have already been selling it.

2)I’d love to dye my hair purple but I have spent all my pocket money on snacks.

3)I’m very busy tonight: I am making pies with Emily for the spring fare at school.

4)Don’t hurry. The dinner hasn’t been ready yet.

5)Ice is melting at 0 °C.

6)Why do you dislike Hugo so much? — How am I supposed to like him? He is always complaining about everything!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) sunday   (воскресенье)   is the first day of the week 2) monday   (понедельник)  is the second day of the week 3) tuesday   (вторник)  is the third day of the week 4) wednesday   (среда) is the fourth day of the week 5)thursday   (четверг) is the fifth  day of the week 6) friday   (пятница) is the sixth day of the week 7) saturday   (суббота) is the seventh day of the week

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