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Напишите графический диктант по теме " Blood Pressure": The blood pressure can be high, low and normal. High blood pressure never frightens patients. The nurse must not calm a patient with high blood pressure. Patients with high BP can work hard. Low BP is not a serious dis ease. The nurse must be very attentive to the patients with high BP.

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Ответы на вопрос:

i sent him for this letter. я послала е го за письмом.

they objected to the high price. они протестовали против высоких цен.

i insisted on your arriving. я настаивал на вашем прибытии

they referred me to the manager.меня отослали к менеджеру.

all people laughed at her. все смеялись над ней.

i like listening to you. я люблю слушать тебя.

i am waiting for my sister. я жду свою сестру.






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