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Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Continuous). Before Vinnie Jones ……..(become) an actor he …….(be) already well known as a soccer player. In fact, he ... …(be) still more famous for his soccer kills than as an actor. For much of his career he …….(play) for Wimbledon. They ……(be) not as successful as Manchester United, but while he …….(play) for them they beat Liverpool and ….. (win) the Cup. Basically, Vinnie ……(be) a good player, but he ….(be) rather violent. For example, on one occasion, he …..(tell) another player he would tear his ear off. And another occasion he ……..(try) to bite the nose of sports journalist. Believe it or not, there ….(be) another side to him. If you met him you’d probably like him - he ….(be) a lot nicer than many people think. He ….(be) a happily married family man, devoted to his son and step-daughter (14).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. beethoven is one of the greatest among german composers. 2. beethoven was born in bonn. 3. beethoven had many brothers. 4. beethoven's father used to teach his son playing the violin. 5. beethoven learned italian, latin and french. 6. homer and plutarch were beethoven's the most favourite writers from ancient greece. 7. beethoven's mother died when he was seventeen. 8. beethoven's creations were written in many different genres. 9. beethoven wrote eight symphonic overtures. 10. beethoven's creations greatly affected the symphony of th nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. (обрати внимание! почти во всех предложениях- past simple. потому что бетховен уже умер, значт новые языки он уже никогда не аыучит, симфонии не напишет, книги не прочитает и тд.)

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