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TERM 2 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TASKS Summative assessment for the unit «Entertainment and Media» Listening Task 1. Listen to the interview and answer the following questions Writing Task 2 Past Simple or Past Continuous Speaking Task 3. Choose the question from the card on the topic “Entertainment and Media” and be ready to answer it after the teacher starts the conversation. Produce a speech by giving extended answers to the questions. Share your ideas with the class. Card 1 • What is one of your favourite TV shows? Why do you like it? / When is it on TV? • Do you think that TV makes people lazy? Why? Give examples. • What are the benefits of reading a newspaper or a magazine? With the popularity of the Internet, do you think newspapers and magazines will disappear? Card 2 • What is your favourite video/computer game? • Are video games good or bad for your health? Why do you say so? • How can you help someone who is addicted to computer/ video games? Card 3 • Are teenagers addicted to computer games in your country? • How many genres of video games can you name? • Do video/computer games improve our skills and abilities? Card 4 • What are the advantages and disadvantages of TV? • What kind of newspapers/magazines do people read in your country? • Which form of news do you prefer? Why? (Newspaper? / Radio? / Television? /Internet?) Card 5 • Which types of programs are most popular in your country? • What is one of your favourite TV shows? What did you watch on TV yesterday? • What do you prefer: watching a film on TV/on video or watching a film in the cinema? Card 6 • What is "entertainment?" Please define the word, and give your examples. • What is your favourite movie/TV show? Why? • Which movie has impressed you the most? Why do you think so?

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TERM 2 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TASKS Summative assessment for the unit «Entertainment and Media» Listen

my name is ilya. i am ten. i go to school. i am a good pupil because i always do my homework and get exсellуnt marks.i have got a family. it is big and friendly. there are four members in my family. they are my mum, dad, brother and me.i have got a mum. her name is lena. she is thirty-five. my mum is clever and kind. she is a housewife. my mum is good at cooking. every day she cleans the rooms, washes the dishes and doesn`t let my brother and me fight.i have got a father. his name is dima. my father is handsome and serious. he is very busy and works a lot. my father is fond of playing computer games.at the weekends we play games together. also, he helps me with my homework and my mum with housework. he is the best dad in the world! my younger brother is two. his name is vanya. he looks like my dad. vanya is strong, clever and talented. he can swim and run. vanya likes watching cartoons on tv. sometimes he is naughty. he enjoys breaking my toy cars and drawing in my exercise-books. i wish i were two too.i love my family. i am happy! перевод: меня зовут илья. мне десять лет. я хожу в школу. я - хороший ученик, потому что я всегда делаю работу и учусь на отлично.у меня есть семья. она - большая и дружная. в моей семье четыре человека: папа, мама, братик и я.у меня есть мама. ее зовут лена. ей тридцать пять лет. она - умная и добрая. она - домохозяйка. моя мама вкусно готовит. каждый день она убирается в комнатах, моет посуду и не позволяет нам с братом драться.у меня есть папа. его зовут дима. мой папа - красивый и серьезный. он много работает и всегда занят. мой папа любит играть в компьютерные игры. по выходным мы с ним играем вместе. также, он мне с уроками, а маме - с работой по дому. дима - лучший папа в мире! моему младшему братику - два года. его зовут ваня. он похож на папу. ваня - сильный, умный и талантливый. он умеет бегать и плавать. ваня любит смотреть мультфильмы. иногда он - непослушный. тогда он ломает мои игрушечные машинки и рисует в моих тетрадках. хотелось бы, чтобы мне тоже было два года.я люблю свою семью. я - счастлив!

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