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2. How much do you know? Can you match the words/phrases in column A with the definitions in column B?

1. Front cover
2. Back cover
3. Title
4. Author
5. Illustration
6. Blurb
7. Spine
8. Quotation В
a) A person who writes books.
b) The repetition of interesting or useful words
that another person has written or said.
c) The narrow part of the cover of a book that
the pages are joined to.
d) The part of a book's jacket that protects
the front pages.
e) The part of a book's jacket that protects
the back pages.
f) A short description of a book written
by the publisher to attract your attention
and make you want to buy it.
g) The name of the book.
h) Pictures.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.i like this room: it is the cleanest (one) 2.i like this house: it is the most comfortable (one) 3.i dont like this season it is the coldest (one) 4.i dont like this weather: it is the worst (one) 5.i like my friends: they are the best 6.i like summer: it is the sunniest (one).  7. i dont like autumn: it is the rainiest (one). 

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