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Объясните употребления времен в следующих предложениях. I’ve been living next door to Alison for five year but I’ve never spoken to her. 2. Marie has been going out with Steve for a year now, and they are planning to get married.3. This fund has been helping people for generations. 4. The inspector has been keeping a watch on the house for the last few days. 5. “I have been keeping this bracelet specially for you”, said my grandmother. 6. In my eyes you can see all the love that I’ve been feeling. 7. I’ve been waiting for this holiday for so long! 8. Where are my letters? Have you been hiding things from me again? 9. What a smell! What have you been smoking? 10. For over three centuries farmers in the Philip pines have been growing the finest tobacco leaf in the world.

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Ответы на вопрос:

I'm on my way to school. my friends are in the hospital. i'm standing in front of the big building. there's a big monster under my bed. i don't like sitting next to paul. there's a big car behind me.

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