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Tall & gaunt he measured 6 feet or over 6 feet but he was so lean that he seemed even taller. he had a tall, gaunt figure made even gaunter and taller by his long grey travelling-cloak and close-fitting cloth cap. he had a tall, austere figure, a tall lean figure. he was a tall, thin man , gaunt man of sixty. thin he had a thin, eager face. he had a long, thin back he had a thin, sinewy arm, a long, thin, nervous arm he had a long, thin form. he had long, thin fingers, a long, thin fore-finger he had thin knees. he had a long, thin nose. his face was narrow. features he had a dolichocephalic skull with well-marked supra-orbital development. his hair were black. he had heavy tufted brows , heavy, dark brows, bushy eyebrows. he had a thin hawk-like nose. he had thin and firm lips. he had steady grey eyes. particularly sharp and piercing, with a far-away, introspective look when he was exerting his full powers. voice he had a quick, high , somewhat strident voice .

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