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8 under h between
ose the
< both
lain any
ho it is.
3 Complete the sentences by adding the correct prefix to
the word in red.
1 This isn't just a problem for this country. It's an
national problem.
2 You have to do the exercise because the first time you
did it you made a lot of mistakes.
3 Sorry,
understood what you said. I thought you said
30, not 13.
4 There are lots of advantages and advantages with
genetically-modified food.
5 They've
booked the flight - there aren't enough seats
for everyone.
6 Food is still a terrible problem in many countries. Some
people estimate the problem and don't think it's so
7. The team need to operate and work together.

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Ответы на вопрос:

First i took off my coat, then i went to the bathroom.   i didn't take off my coat first, then i didn't go to the bathroom. did you take off your coat first and  did you go to the bathroom then? who took off your coat first and who went to the bathroom then?

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