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There a mirror. There ...a television. There two lamps. There ... three armchairs. There ...three windows. There ...two paintings. There a carpet. Task 2. Cross the odd word out

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Ответы на вопрос:

There is a mirror. There is a television. There are two lamps. There are three armchairs. There are three windows. There are two paintings. There is a carpet.


Здесь еще зависит от того, в каком времени тебе нужно было написать. Я написал в настоящем. Если в , то is меняешь на was, а are на were. Также, если тебе нужно было отрицание, то просто добавляешь not (пишется раздельно) или скращено n't слитно)(, например: wasn't (was not), weren't (were not), isn't (is not), aren't (are not)

(Если ответ был полезный, отметь как лучший в знак благодарности)))

There isn't a mirror.

There is a television.

There are two lamps.

There aren't three armchairs.

There are three windows.

There aren't two paintings.

There is a carpet.


Зеркала нет.

Есть телевизор.

Есть две лампы.

Нет трех кресел.

Есть три окна.

Нет двух картин.

Есть ковер

last night i had a wonderful dream. this is what i (dreamt). we (took) a trip to hawaii. i (was) with my family and two of my friends. we (were) on a ship and we (were travelling) to honolulu. on the ship there (was) a party. we (were sitting) on nice comfortable seats and we (were  drinking) exotic juices. lots of people (were dancing) and the music (was playing) loudly. we (had) a lot of fun! when the ship (arrived) in honolulu a man (was waiting) to take us to our hotel. the hotel where we (were staying) was by a beach with palm trees.

singing) and (dancing) to the music. the music (was getting) louder and louder until i (heard) a ringing sound. it (was) my alarm clock! it (was) 7 o'clock and time to get up for school.

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