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решить английский активный\пассивный залог Put the verb into the Active or Passive form:
1. I hope we … (pass) this exam successfully.
2. … you ever (win) any international awards?
3. “I’m sure. This towel … (use) before. It isn’t clean.”
4. If the weather … (change) for the worse, we … (stay) at home.
5. As soon as you … (come) home, you … (see) the present.
6. This pill sometimes … (cause) dizziness.
7. “- Oh, no! All the sandwiches … (sell) already!”
8. He couldn’t pay for the meal because someone … (steal) his wallet.
9. Every time they … (travel) by plane, the flight … (delay).
10. Keith … (write) 20 emails this morning.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. CFSs destroy the ozone layer.
2. “Greens” believe in conversation.
3. A hole in the ozone layer could increase skin cancer.
4. Cutting down tropical rainforests increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
5. Plastic cannot be recycled.

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