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Exercise6. Rewrite the following sentences by using Present Perfect or Past Simple forms of the verbs in brackets:

1. I (to see) her a few minutes ago. 2. They first (to meet) fifteen years ago. 3. 1 (to meet) him twice - once two years ago and once this year. 4. I (to come) to the USA two months ago. 5. 1 (to start) a new job a few weeks ago. 6. How many times you (to be) to London? 7. I (not to see) Peter last week because he was ill. 8. Why are your hands dirty?-Oh. I (to work) in the garden. 9. 1 (to speak) to him last week. 10. Why are you shaking so? What you (to do)? 11. I (to think) for a long time and I (to decide) that you need to give up your job. 12. They (to sign) a contract last year and it is still valid. 13. They (to be married) since last summer. 14. They never (to get) along with each other. 15. I (not to hear) from her recently. 16. My sister (to teach) English all her life. 17. He (to call) his girlfriend several times. 18. vy prother (to reaa) five books so far this summer.

Exercise7. Present Perfect or Past Simple?

1. My sister (to stay) at home yesterday. 2. (to live) here for ten years. 3. My neighbour (to live) out his life in solitude. 4. Your letter (to arrive) two days ago. 5. The game (to start).They are playing now. 6. Last week we (to go) to the cinema. 7. He (to lose) my watch, he can't find it. 8. 1 (to work) all day and now I'm tired. 9. I (to phone) you at five and you weren't there. 10. We (to buy) a new house last week. 11.They (to clean) the car. It looks new again. 12. The children (to drink) all the apple juice! We'll need to get some more. 13. I (to buy) some new jeans, but I don't think I like them. Maybe I'll take them back to the store. 14. We (to own) this TV set since 1993, and it still works! 15. He (to cry) when his girlfriend left him, but he's OK now. 16. I (to finish) the university three years ago. 17. I first (to get) to know him 6 years ago. 18. I (to see) the movie "Titanic" three times. I'm going to see it again tonight. 19. I (to walk) to work every day for the last two weeks!

20. My stomach hurts. I (to eat) too much. 21. I (to do) a lot since we last talked about it. 22. He (to come) in a few minutes ago. 23. We (to make) our last purchase from them over a year ago. 24. We never (to visit) another country before. 25. He (to work) in this company for 5 years. He likes his job

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Это был прекрасный весенний день. маленькая птичка сидела на дереве поет песню. большой серый кот увидел птицу. он хотел, чтобы съесть его.таким образом, он подошел к дереву и сказал: «доброе утро, дорогая! сойди с дерева! иди сюда! я хочу сказать вам кое-что." "скажите, что вы хотите. я не сойдут," сказала птица. "вы знаете, что все животные и птицы являются хорошими друзьями сейчас? я тебя люблю. сойди и играть со мной," сказал кот. «нет, ," сказал умный птица. я хотел бы остаться здесь, в дереве. отсюда я могу увидеть зеленые поля и леса, прекрасные озера и реки. теперь я вижу много собак. они работают здесь ". "о, прощай тогда. я должен бежать домой." "зачем? " сказала маленькая птичка. "разве вы не знаете, что все животные являются хорошими друзьями сейчас? "

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