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С АНГЛИЙСКИМ Complete the dialogue with present simple e questions and short answers.
…you go to school?
B At King Edward's. Do you go there, too?
A No,….
I go to a bilingual school.
B 3
….you speak?
A Three. My mum's Swiss.
B Does she speak French?
A Yes,…..
B Does your father speak French, too?
A No,……

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1: Where do

2: , I don't

3: How many (languages) can/do (можно и так, и так, но судя по заданию лучше do)

4: , she does

5: , he doesn't

надеюсь !!


1. this author, as his contemporaries said, often thought that his writings were not quite humorous, so he edited his works several times.

2. mary's general knowledge about the history of art was not big enough so she decided to follow her dream and went to europe to learn something new there.

3. local community organized some gripping celebration in the city centre and was ready to get good feedback, but people's point of view on this show was negative.

4. tom's brain power helped him to create a lot of mind-boggling inventions, which are unique for our century.

5. we sketched out some of our ideas yesterday but we still need to look for some inspiration to improve them.

6. kate is always fluttering when she have to leave her house and contact with the outside world, we all think that it is rather mindless.


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