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Correct the mistakes if there are any. 1. In summer my brother shall have been travelling in the East for a year. 2. Cats always runs after the mice. 3. Douglas were running in the city marathon when I saw him. 4. The eagle is flying in the sky yesterday. 5. The children is going to leave for the summer camp tomorrow. 6. Jane will be sit at the lecture at this time tomorrow, 7. My brothers is fighting now. I want to stop them. S. Ruth have washed all ihe ately. had cashed his cheques yesterday before he left, linen McFarland 10. The married couple shall have visited five countries by thc end of their honeymoon. I Your kitten 12. Jamic had be playing for three hours before we came in. been mewing for twenty minutes. What's wrong with it? 13. Next 14. Trevor plant cucumbers and roses every year. year Susan have be working here for ten years. 15. His dog barked all night tomorrow,

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My friends and i decided to make a cake on the next weekends. i am learning different rhymes at my music school. my mother always tells me to put a pillow under a blanket. i like to go to a  forest to pick some mushrooms for our dinner.

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