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5 VOCABULARY Match the words in bold in the article with the the words. . SC 0 groups of people who live together, usually outside towns and citi same language, culture, and history tribes 1 the rise in temperature of the Earth's climate Р P 2 a living thing 3 are afraid 4 weak/easy to damage G 5 cutting down all the trees in a large area 6 which soon may not exist because there are not many left alive 7 very small 8 something that will probably harm or destroy something else

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The weather in the summer is very hot and sultry, sometimes the thermometer shows record values. From the scorching sun you want to hide in paradise and drink cold tea, which immediately cools and gives vigor. The highest temperature is ~ 12 hours of the day, so you should not go outside at this time , and if there is a need, you should definitely wear a hat, light clothing (preferably made of cotton) and try for a long time not to be in the open sun.


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