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ВАРИАНТ 2 (обычный уровень сложности) 1. Установите соответствия между параграфами текста (1-5) и их названиями (a-f). Напишите соответствующие буквы рядом с номерами параграфов. Среди названий есть одно лишнее.

a) Useful Way to Spend Your Free Time

b) Out in the Open Air

c) Healthy Way to Spend Your Free Time

d) The Day They Do It on the Continent

e) Different Ways to Earn Some Pounds

f) Ways to Find a Job


How much sport do you do? Be honest! A lot? A little bit? Hardly any at all?None? Some sports can be a lot of fun like swimming, for example.If you do some sport together with your friends, you can really enjoy it. Or you can join some sports club. These activities will do you a lot of good, but they won't bring you some money.


In Britain boys and girls sometimes get jobs to have some pocket money. Some get a Saturday job as there is no school on Saturday in Britain. Sometimes teenagers work in shops. British shops are open on Saturday afternoons. Those who live in the country often help farmers.


If you look for some work to do, get a local newspaper. There you can read about those who want some help and are ready to pay. There are many people who need help in one way or another if you look around. Ask your neighbours if you can take their dog out. Or perhaps your parents' friends are looking for a babysitter?


You don't have to stay indoors when you have some free time even if you have practically no pocket money. What about taking your bike out of the garage and going out with some of your friends? You can get to know your countryside, go on picnics and just try to keep healthy.


In Austria young people don't usually have jobs to get pocket money. It is often given to them by their parents. But if they get a job, they can do the shopping for their grandparents or they do some work for their neighbours. Some help out at a petrol station or they sell ice cream or souvenirs to tourists. Others help in hotels cleaning the rooms

2. Напишите английские эквиваленты этих слов и словосочетаний.

1. билет в театр — а

2. буфет (в театре) – а

3. балкон – а

4. верхний ярус/галёрка – а

5. бельэтаж–а

6. ложа–а

7. бинокль

8. герой (пьесы) — а

9. развлечение

3. Выберите соответствующие формы глаголов (a-b) и впишите буквы в предложения. В некоторых случаях возможны оба варианта.

1. Andrewin the USA before he came to Australia.

a) worked

b) had worked

2. I came at four, but Paulby that time.

a) had left

b) left

3. If he now, he will miss the show.

a) won't leave

b) doesn't leave

4. I tickets for the musical. Here they are.

a) have bought

b) had bought

5. Look at the timetable. When?

a) does the "Sapsan" arrive

b) is the "Sapsan" arriving

6.the train tickets? When are we leaving?

a) Have you bought

b) Had you bought

7. By 7 o'clock yesterday we the two systems.

a) connected

b) had connected

8. Icoins since last year.

a) have collected

b) have been collecting

4. Выберите и обведите соответствующие служебные слова из данных в скобках.

1. After the rain, the path' was not safe enough, and Georgina walked slowlyholding on (for/to) the branches of the trees.

2. (At/In) the beginning of the story all the members of the crew are at war.

3. You have been thinking about it for several days. What's your decision (at/in) the end?

4. I'd like two seats (for/to) tomorrow, please.

5. I would like to buy a programme (from/at) the usher.

6. Sam is a man (of/with) strong character.

7. I introduced my friend (for/to) my grandmother.

8. Tim had left (before/after) Ann returned. The girl was surprised not to findhim at home.

5. Впишите производные от слов из правой колонки в предложения.

1. Jennyisill. SERIOUS

2. His hands were in constant. MOVE

3. All their speeches were quiteand politically correct. PEACE

4. The twins'is incredible. LIKE

5. Our athletes were to score a goal in the game. ABLE

6. Doctor Greenwood is a well-known. BIOLOGY

7. In whatshall we walk? I think we have lost our way. DIRECT

8. Buckingham Palace is the Queen's in London. RESIDENT


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я не знаю,но мне очень нужны , извини

мне кажется так:

Can: b),d),e),g).

Can't: a),c).


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