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Заполните недостающие термины в предложениях. The most important producers of 1. are Saudi Arabia, Russia, USA and Iran. According to 2. , the major part of crude oil is located in the Middle East: Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq. Oil and gas industry can be divided into two parts: 3. and downstream. Upstream is 4. , development and 5. , downstream is 6. , marketing and distribution. Transportation is in-between upstream and 7. Petroleum is the 8. trapped in porous rocks.

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I have got in the my kitchen fridge,cooker.I everyday using fridge and cooker. In the my living room sofa and armchair. I like armchair and I like to relax on it.In my bathroom mirror.When I brush my teeth I look into it.

У меня на кухне есть холодильник, кухонная плита.Я каждый день пользуюсь холодильником и плитой. В моей гостиной диван и кресло. Мне нравится кресло, и я люблю отдыхать на нем.В зеркале моей ванной.Когда я чищу зубы, я заглядываю в него.

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