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4 Look at the examples of direct and indirect speech in the table. Write the names of the tenses. How does the tense change when we report what someone else said? Direct speech Indirect speech 1 2 I like winter sports. He said that he liked winter sports. 3 I'm calling the travel agency She told Serik that she was calling the travel agency. п

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. didn't get up very early


2didn't make breakfast.

3.1 didn't left the house

at seven.

4 . 1 didn't come on time.

5 . 1 didn't see her in the office.

6. Jane didn't

marry Sam.

7. 1 didn't pass my exam in English.

8. She didn't show

me her new flat.

9 .1 didn't do morning exercises today.

10.1 didn't like my

new boss.

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