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Ответы на вопрос:

вот, должно быть правильно

описать фото на английском

ответ:The photo shows the family. Mom, dad and son. They ride bicycles in the park. They have helmets on their heads, dad has a white helmet, mom has a yellow helmet and his son has a blue one. They ride in summer, good weather and green grass are great weather for cycling!

Объяснение: На фото изображена семья. Мама,папа и сын.Они катаются на велосипедах в парке. На головах у них шлемы, у папы белый шлем, у мамы желтый а у сына синий. Они катаются летом, хорошая погода и зелёная трава отличная погода для катания на велосипеде!

1.who will prepare breakfast tomorrow morning?

2.we are translating this text now.

3.what book did he buy yesterday?

4.she usually calls me every day.

5.they will go (are going) to the circus tonight.

6.billy's mum   works at school.

7.they didn't go on vacation last year.

8.children are riding a bike now.

9.he usually goes to work by bus.

10.we are going to visit our grandmother and grandfather next   weekend.

Популярно: Английский язык