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Тhе laws of much of continental Europe (particularly France), of Quebec in Canada, and of much of Latin America - along with the civil laws of Louisiana - owe their modern form largely to the work of man who never even studied law. Napoleon Bonaparte, the Corsican soldier who became emperor of France after the French Revolution, established in 1800 five commissions to refine and organize the diverse legal systems of France. The result, enacted in 1804, was Napoleon's Code.
Some of its original 2,281 articles were drafted bу Napoleon himself, and all were affected bу his thinking, even though he was completely self-taught in legal matters. The code was triumphant attempt to create а legal system that treated all citizens as equals without regard to their rank or previous privileges. It was also so clearly written that it could be read and understood by ordinary people at аtime when on1y Latin scholars cou1d make sense of the earlier laws handed down since Roman times.The Codewas adoptes intact in most of the areas of Europe that Napoleon dominated and spread from there across the Atlantic, taking root particularly in French-speaking American communities. Many of is principles are still in force today

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Скажем, будет гавр счастливый конец или нет.  если так как пити найти мальчика ? если не - что будет с пити ?

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