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Autumn is such 1 of the year. Of course it is cool because the temperatures 2 summer. But it is also cool because it’s such a great time of the year. I love the changing 3 . The different autumn colours are one of nature’s most 4 . Sometimes I can’t stop looking at the mountains near my house. They are like an 5 of golds, reds, yellows, browns and other autumnal colours. In America they call autumn ‘fall’ because that is when 6 from the trees. I like 7 of autumn. Summer is over 8 still wear a T-shirt – just about. You can also spend hours outdoors 9 . Autumn is the best time of the year to go hiking 10 long walks.

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Autumn is such a cool time of the year. Of course it is cool because the temperatures drop after summer. But it is also cool because it’s such a great time of the year. I love the changing of the leaves. The different autumn colours are one of nature’s most beautiful scenes. Sometimes I can’t stop looking at the mountains near my house. They are like an artist’s palette of golds, reds, yellows, browns and other autumnal colours. In America they call autumn ‘fall’ because that is when the leaves fall from the trees. I like the coolness of autumn. Summer is over but you can still wear a T-shirt – just about. You can also spend hours outdoors without sweating. Autumn is the best time of the year to go hiking and go for long walks.



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