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. Open the brackets using the Present Simple or the Future Simple 1. I (catch) cold if I (stay) out any longer.
2. I (be) sorry if he (not come).
3. I (do) it if I can.
4. I can’t do anything unless I (feel) very warm.
5. If we (want) opinions from you we (ask) for them.
6. I am going to give you some good advice and if you have got any sense you (take) it

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. potatoes was bought by me yesterday. 2. the books shall be brought tomorrow 3. the clock are being repaired by them 4. milk is sold in this shop. 5. the whole text has been translated by me. 6. a lot of money were stolen by him from the shop. 7. the work had been finished by six o`clock. 8. the trucks were being loaded by workers at 12 o`clock. 9.the trucks had been loaded by workers by three o`clock. 10. our daughter is sent to the rest in the south every year

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