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Make sentences interrogative and negative. 1. Sam opened the window
2.I saw a big dog yesterday
3. Mike ate an apple in the morning
4, I drink tea every morning
5. Jack washes his car on Sunday

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)Sam opened the yinzdey yes

2)L saw a

1. int - Did Sam open the window?

neg - Sam didn't open the window

2. int - Did I see a big dog yesterday?

neg- - I didn't see a big dog yesterday.

3. int - Did Mike eat an apple in the morning?

neg - Mike didn't eat an apple in the morning.

4. int - Am I drinking tea every morning?

neg - I don't drink tea every morning.

5. int - Does Jack wash his car on Sunday?

neg - Jack doesn't wash his car on Sunday.

1) A

2) B

3) C

4) B

5) C

6) A

7) A

8) A

9) B

10) C


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