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Exercise 2. Прочитайте и переведите фразы, описывающие распорядок дня. Заполните данными фразами таблицу.

I do this every day

I often/rarely do this

I never do this

As soon as I have some free time

wake up

get up

leave school

have lunch

make the bed

have dinner

read an interesting book

read a comic

sleep well all night

work hard

listen to music

do (my) homework

read a magazine

go shopping

do the morning exercises

watch TV

have a shower

wash (my) face

brush (my) teeth

get dressed

have breakfast

go to school

come home

play with (my) brother

read a newspaper

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Ответы на вопрос:

Summer holidays        summer holidays are the longest holidays. i like them very much! i have a lot of time for myself. i spend most time outdoors.         in june i went to the  seaside with my parents. the water in the black sea  was very warm. we swam in  the  sea  and  sunbathed on the beach.  there were different kinds of entertainments there. we also  played volleyball on the beach and  made castles of sand. on hot days we walked in the park.  it was very beautiful there.         then i spent two weeks in the summer camp. i made a lot of new friends. every day we enjoyed something special - games, competitions, performances. there was no river,  but there was a swimming pool where we could swim.  we had discos every night.  it was a real fun.     in august i  visited my grandparents.  there i enjoyed fresh air  and helped  my grandparents  to dig the garden, to gather fruit and vegetables. i went fishing with my grandfather.       i relaxed last summer and prepared for a new school year.

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