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Fill in: so, such or such a. Yesterday Peter put his dinner in the oven to cook. It was 1) such a nice day that he decided to mow the while he was waiting It
was 2) hard work and took long time that his dinner 31 began to burm, but he was 4) busy in the garden that he didn't notice the smell. As he was working, he heard a fire engine arrive, and he went to the front of his house. His neighbour said, "Peter, there was 5) smell and 6) bad much smoke that we thought your house was on fire. We were 7) the fire brigade." Peter had 8) womed that we called shock! He ran into the kitchen, but the oven was 9) hot that he couldn't touch it. The fireman had sprayed it with 10) much water that the kitchen was wet all over. Finally, everybody went home. Peter was left with a kitchen that was 11) mess and a dinner that was 12) never to cook and mow the lawn at the same time again. burnt that he decided

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dev says you are not happy with no reason 5AM will not an echo come out of this room because she has not seen 54anything and she is worried that he is the 6AM who was not in her room but he sometimes has a problem and he will be fine and he is fine and she is going for it for the

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