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Complete the sentenses with the right word.

How many household can you name?
How often should you upgrade your computer?
How often do you use a cash to get money?
What do you think is the most useful labour-saving ___?
What other clever can you think of, e.g satellite navigation system, compass?
What is the name of the breathing which divers use so the can stay underwater?
Are you technological minded or are you a ?
What do you think is the greatest technological ?
What piece of technology is ?
What are commonly used nowadays?
Must the modern world be an alarming place for ?
People often mention the of the Internet.
Young people sit for hours in front of their computers, playing .
Now, the developments in the field of have made high quality 3-D films.
Twenty five years ago most people didn't use.

social benefits
artificial intelligence
easy to use
search engines
digital imaging
computer games
anti-technology movement

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Ответы на вопрос:

Из ночи, которая меня охватывает,черный как яма от полюса до полюса,я , что боги могут бытьдля моей непобедимой души. в сцеплении обстоятельствя не вздрагивал и не кричал вслух.под ударами шансову меня голова окровавленная, но непокоренная. помимо этого места гнева и слезтопики, но ужас тени,и все же угроза летнаходит и найдет, я не боюсь. не имеет значения, как пролив ворота,как обвиняют в наказаниях свиток,я - хозяин своей судьбы: я капитан моей души

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