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Does your dad often work ? Укажите правильный вариант ответа: uniform, freelancer, overtime, salary

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Does your dad often work overtime?

Твой папа часто работает сверхурочно?

Остальные слова не подходят.

Uniform - форма

Freelancer - фрилансер

Salary - зарплата

hello, jack. yes echology is amazing topic to talk. we have big problems with echology in my town. the main problem is that people are very lazy. they are too lazy to through their trush into trash bins cause they are too far. so i think that the minister of our town must make some punishments for people that brake the rukes and through the trash on the floor . and one more problem is the amount of the cars . its too much cars now in our city. their must be some  restrictions. and i think that we can make some days for echology. like the day when everyone must plant a tree . i hope that together we will solve this problem.


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