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60) Zero conditional 7 Match the two halves of the sentences. - 6.6 a ifl don't tidy my room. 1 lfl eat too much, 2 If it rains, b you get good marks. 3 My mum gets cross C I feel ill. 4 If you exercise regularly. d if you turn off the lights. 5 You save electricity e I take the tram to school. 6 If you study hard. f you stay fit and healthy 8 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 6.6 1 If you two books, you one free. (buy, get 2 The menu on the screen if you this button twice. (appear, press) 3 If dogs chocolate, it them ill. (eat, make) 4 If water (freeze, expand) 5 If you water to 100° C.it (heat, boll

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foreign languages are necessary for everybody in modern society. it helps us to make friends from other countries and communicate with them without any problems,it helps us in travelling,in using the internet resources for getting more information.speaking foreign language helps us to earn more money.

we all have to learn ,to do our best in learning languages as it helps to be more successful

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