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Перефразуйте словосочетание используя притяжательный падеж и сохраняя все артикли и местоимения. 1.the tail of the cat. 5.the bags of the women.
2.the book of our teacher. 6.the car of my dad.
3.the friend of Jim. 7.the pens of my colleagues.
4.the son of Luisa 8.the house of my parents.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1/ it's very likely to rain tomorrow

2/ he would certainly marry her

3/ she will come ( как-то не так, но все же )

4/ it seems unlikely that their offer will be accepted

5/ his article will certainly be printed in the newspaper

6/ they probably won't arrive until september 1st

7/ he will undoubtedly enjoy his new job

8/ it is unlikely that they will finish their work before may

9/ she will definitely take part in the competition

10/ the goods will certainly be delivered at the end of the week

Популярно: Английский язык