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задать общий вопрос и ответ Margaret Barker was born in Blackpool. Margaret, or Margo, grew up in Blackpool near the sea. She had a talent for music. Soon Margaret became a school teacher of music. John and Sally sometimes visit their grandmother in Blackpool. Margaret’s father died three years ago. Margaret works in a school in London two days a week. Margaret enjoys her work. At weekends they sometimes listen to music or go to the cinema. In summer they like to go to Scotland, Blackpool or travel abroad

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) Would you like to pay in cash?

2) When l pay for the shopping, l make sure l get the correct change.

3) Check how much everything costs after you shop on the receipt.

4) Let's stand in this gueue. lt's short.

5) l always get a shopping trolley because it's easier when you buy a lot of things.

Популярно: Английский язык