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краткий пересказ от 3 лица -While Hans repairs the raft, Axel and the Professor look around )Professor: Let's explore this area over here! Professor: What's that noise? Axel: Quick! Hide! The men hide behind some bushes. ° Axel: Look! A man. And huge elephants. Professor: But, they used to live thousands of years ago. When we get home, people will be amazed by what we saw. Axel: But, will they believe us? Professor: We must get back to Hans and the raft! Axel: Wait! What's this? 3) Professor: It's a very old knife. It must be Arne Saknussemm's! The Professor finds initials on a cave wall. Professor: Saknussemm was here! The compass must be broken. Professor: We found it! This must be the last part of Arne Saknussemm's journey! Professor: Quick - let's find Hans and come back!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. we have carefully studied (часть глагола-сказуемого) all the technical data that we got from you. 2. the machine tool advertised (определение) by brow and co will be in great demand on the market. 3. by 5 o'clock they had cleared (часть глагола-сказуемого) up all the points in the firm's offer 4. peter saw her at the university library when he was working (часть глагола-сказуемого) for his final examinations.

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