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93.21 7 - Ask your partner questions about the place he/she lives in. Think about: name - location - activities someone can do there - nightlife - characteristics (safe, dirty, noisy, crowded, etc.). Make notes of your partner's answers. - A: Where do you live? B: In Almaty Writing про город Актау

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Ответы на вопрос:

Where do you live?

What is the activity in this city where you live?

How is the night going there, is it fun or just an empty, sleeping city?

Describe this city.What is he like?


Где ты живёшь?

Какая деятельность в этом городе,где ты живёшь?

Как там проходит ночь, весело ли или просто пустой, спящий город?

Опиши этот город.Какой он?

Entertainment, religious purposes, studying, and more! Books are incredible, and they have taught us so much. To sum it up, the purpose of books back then were for religious purposes.


What is so dramatic about books? They are just pieces of paper with meaningful writing in it.

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