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Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. 1 I didn't go to the show. I was ill. (because) 2 It was an interesting exhibition. We went to see it twice. (such an that) 3 Mark recorded the TV programme. He didn't want to miss it. (so as not to) 4 Amy was late. She missed the artist's interview. (so ... that)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i'm on holiday here with my family and we have a great time. 2. right now, i'm liying  on the beach. 3 my little brother is playing  on the sand with his toys and my mother is  watching him. 4 my dad is  swimming in the sea. i just love it here. 5 we get up late every day and are spending   most of our time sunbathing. 6 this afternoon we are  going into town to do a little sightseeng. 7 then my  parents take us to a nice restaurant.

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