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6 Раздел ЧТЕНИЕ Прочитайте слова в таблице, обращая внимание на подчеркнутые буквы. Для подберите соответствующий звук каждого слова Используйте каждый звук только один раз. Два звука лишние. Укажите 3 списка . номера выбранных ответов в таблице. 1) (i:] 2) [z] 3) [at] 4) [s] 5) [е] 6) [k] 7) [1] ink dress coal shy eat ответ: какие 3 Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 7-11. Определите, приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False) и о чём в сказано, нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated). тексте не то есть на основании текста Zaryadye Park is a park located in the centre of Moscow close to Red Square. It was opened in September 2017. The name of the park comes from one of the oldest Moscow districts, Zaryadye, the history of which goes back to the beginning of the XII century. An international team of architects, engineers and designers created this modern public place. Here we can see nature and technology, history and modernity so close together. There are many things to see. Ice Cave with minus temperature has the atmosphere of the Far North. So close to the Kremlin the authors have created the building that takes the visitors on a journey through ice and snow. Almost 70 tons of water were frozen to achieve a beautiful 7,5 cm ice covering on the walls. The Museum of Nature sounds offers a new way to feel the world around you. Underground Museum tells about the history of the place. There was the very first street in Moscow here in ancient times - the Main street (Velikaya). The educational centre The Conservation Embassy developed many courses, quests, laboratory classes and workshops for people of all ages interested in history, art, technology, plants, animals and many other spheres of life on the planet. Zaryadye is a quiet place where we can have some rest from the rhythm of the city. The park is covered with trees, grass, plants and ponds, which illustrate different types of climate of the country, from the Far North to the grasslands of central Asia,

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