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lots of magie tricks for them. Hе makes all kinds of onimals from balloorns. He ploys card tricks, And, ike Harmy Pofter, he con make things disappear He tells wonderful stories. Sometimes, he sings ond dances for the children. All the children love Mr Magicman. When children seе him in town, they wave and they shout Hellor at him. Hе waves beck and soтetimes, if he has his hat on, he raises i to gret them Тoday, Saturday June 10", iт is Peter's birthday. Peter is ten. At 2 o'clock, oll the children are at Peter's house, They play рarty games and eat some delicious cokes. They wait for Mr Mogicтan, but Mr Magicman does not соme. The children are sad. Then Рeter's Dad comes in. He says: Таm very sorry. Mr Мogicman has got a bad back and he connot coтer All the children aгe upset! They think a bit and then they make a plan. They make a barmner and they go to Mr Mogicman's house. They knock on his door, Mr Mogістan slowly opens his door. He sees the children and he Smiles, The children hold up their banner. The banner says Get well soon, Mr Maglcman. We al love you. Then they give him a cake. Mr Mogicтаn орens his mouth-and he makes it disoppear! | Is it TRUE or FALSE? Put T or F on the line. The children are upset because Mr Mr Mogicman is a тоgician Не доes to all the children's parties. Мogicтan cannot come to the party. 12. —The children forget obout Mr Mogicman The children moke a poster for Mr MM. 2. 3. 13. Нe uses bolloons to make animals and he does сard tricks. Не пever sings and dances for the children In town, the children don't speak to him 14. They go to his house 4. 15. Mr мм орens his door quickly. 16. —Mr Mogiствл sees the children and he Smiles 5. Mr Magieman sometimes wears a hat. On Saturday, June 10", is Jim's birthday. At 2 о'clock, al the children are of Peter's house, They are there for his party. Mr Magicman comes on time. Mr Megicman has got a bod back. 6. 7. 17. The children hold up their banner 8. 18. The baпner says Get well soon, we oll love you 19, The children give Mr MM a flower. 9. 10. 20. Mr Magicman eats the cakel

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